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    Projects > COMPUTER > 2017 > NON IEEE > APPLICATION

    Human Resources Management System


    The project entitled “Human Resource Management” is implemented to reduce the manual work and enhances the accuracy of work in an organization. A software company consists of various types of departments. The HR department is the most important section of the company. By using this project, we send each employee working status to their HR mobile through SMS and email. HR department deals with the overall process of a software company. In our project consist of the following four main modules. In the master module consist of three sub modules. The first sub module is used to join a new employee in a company. The Second one is used to modify employee details. The appraisal module is used to evaluate the employees at each department. In the Endorsement module consist of three sub modules. The project module can add a new project in the technical department. The leave module issue the leave application. The salary module issue the employee salary The HR is responsible for team allocation in a project. The HR verifies the committed projects and scheduled the employee work. The team allocation module allocates the team members in a project. In the report module display the four types of reports. They are employee report, project report, appraisal report, salary report and so on.

    Existing System

    Before developing any computerized system it is important to examine the problems in the existing system and the additional information that should be fulfilled in the proposed system. In the existing system all the transaction will take place manually. People have to wait in the restaurant for a long time. The details of the customers were not maintained in the database. It is a time consuming process.

    Proposed System

    Decision in assigning proper skillful hands for the project is animportant issue in HR Module. The HR Administrator should report with the personal holding the necessary skills required for the project assignment. The decision in making analysis about the employee’s skills is a prime important before booting in. The proposed system of HR Module is the right software to be incorporated into the Automation of Software for helping the organization needs with respect to skillful Human Resource. The proposed system provides detail general information about the employee along with Educational,Certification, Skill and Projectdetails. It enhances the HR Management in adding, viewing andupdating employees’ details and generates various reports regarding employee’s skill and experience. Suggestions and Grievances posted by the employees are upheld for taking care of the necessary steps in forwarding company’s obligation. The proposed system provides detail general information about theemployee along with Educational, Certification, Skill and Projectdetails. It enhances the HR Management in adding, viewing andupdating employees’ details and generates various reports regarding employee’s skill and experience. Suggestions and Grievances posted by the employees are upheld for taking care of the necessary steps in forwarding company’s obligation.
